Dr Genesis, this week.
Dr Genesis is on nights.
That means 9pm until 10am, seven days in a row.
By night two, at 3am, Dr Genesis is a walking zombie. He had some sleep during the day but anyone who does night shifts will know that you can never really get quite enough. Dr Genesis knows when he ought to rest. His mind gets slow. You would not want him making medical decisions about your loved one.
In obstetrics, there is an on-call room with a bed, clean sheets, a basin and a TV. "You are not at work to sleep!", cry the powers that be who govern the lives of junior doctors. "Correct, my friend", Dr Genesis replies, "I am here to save the lives of sick people". They allow the obstetric doctors to have a room each. Because for a baby or young mother to die would be a catastrophe for the hospital. The press would be damaging. But in general medicine...if someone dies...well...it's probably not going to be someone who'll be missed.
There used to be on-call rooms just across the car park. Dr Genesis would book one in advance and nip over to have a nap during the night. But they have been abolished. You are not allowed to book one.
The refreshing power of a few half hour naps, throughout the night, can work wonders.
Luckily, Dr Genesis knows of a few spare examination rooms in the dark recesses of the hospital. No one will find him napping there.
Still. It is ridiculous. A deliberate attempt to exhaust doctors. Why? What is to be gained?
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